Arhie Photograpy: Understanding The 3 Various Focus Modes On SLR Cameras

Friday, April 16, 2010

Understanding The 3 Various Focus Modes On SLR Cameras

Nearly all cheap digital camera models feature one built-in focus option, auto focus. Auto focus simply means the SLR camera is going to do the work for you and automatically focus on the actual subject you're taking photos of. However, digital SLR cameras normally come with three different selections for focus including single auto focus, manual focus, and continuous auto focus modes. Each and every one of these methods has its place and are valuable in different settings.

Single auto focus is a common function on just about every digital camera currently available. With this focus mode, you just press the shutter button half way or all the way down to automatically focus on the subject matter. This particular focus mode is most suited for taking photos of static objects that aren't shifting positions.

Using continuous auto focus, your SLR camera will correct the focus continually as you are picture taking. For this reason, this focus mode is well suited for taking photos of objects which are moving. For instance, shooting photos of a monkey swinging in the trees at the zoo or of a basketball player running down the court during a basketball game. Since the camera is continuously adjusting, your photographs won't end up blurry due to movement.

Manual focus removes the power out of the digital camera's hands and places it into yours. This focus mode offers the photographer the ability to change the focus as they see fit. Focus is manipulated either by the rotating ring mounted on the lens or with a a set of buttons. It's probably not the correct option for knowledgeable photographers who would like the utmost when it comes to creative control.

Every SLR camera focus mode has its own advantages and drawbacks. The important thing is learning how each of them work as well as for what circumstances they've been created for. Once you have that down, try shooting a few photographs making use of these various focus modes to discover how they end up. Once you begin to get a better feel for the way each mode functions and what the end results are, you will be capable of intuitively pick the appropriate focus depending on the particular circumstances.

By: Michelle Becker


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