Tip #1 No matter where you are you will have to find out exactly when the sun sets in that area. You can do this by accessing a local weather site or tv channel. If you are unable to find one of these a good way to find out is simply to ask a local. They can typically tell you or at least give you a general idea. You’ll want to leave to your destination, whether it’s a beach, a hill or just a great spot to see it, with plenty of time to set up and watch it go down. I have rushed to catch some of the most phenomenal sunsets and missed them! You don’t want to do this!
Tip #2 If you’re going to have people in the picture, the absolute best photos are at dusk: just before the sun sets. This is the ultimate lighting to get the most gorgeous pictures of anyone! You’ll definitely need a flash for each photo. Start early and take pictures throughout, as the sun dips behind the horizon. This will enable you to pick out your favorites later. You can even get some great ones after it’s completely down, with a breath-taking sky in the background.
Tip #3 Use a tripod if at all possible. Because you’ll need to take flash photographs, you’re going to want to use a tripod to get the best resolution possible. Set it up in the best spot upon arrival and shoot away as you watch that gorgeous orange ball go down. If you’ve ever watched a sunset, you know how fast it goes down once it starts its descent! It amazes me every time how quickly it goes….so you have to be ready! Take tons of pictures as it goes and you’ll be intrigued at how different they can look due to changing colors and clouds.
Tip #4 Relax and enjoy it! This is one of nature’s most beautiful offerings, I think. Take every moment it. Hug your loved ones and treasure this peaceful, spectacular show!
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